

Welcome to the CG Spectrum Podcast!

Join our hosts for entertaining career-focused chats with industry experts and emerging talent doing cutting-edge work in film and games.

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Latest Episode

Accelerate Your Animation Career: Tips from 2D Animator Sykosan

This week, Maxine meets with freelance 2D animation filmmaker, Sykosan. He reflects on his unique career switch from architecture to 2D animation, the portfolio strategies he used to assist in that transition, and recognizes how many skills from his previous career were transferable to the creative industries. We follow Sykosan’s career—working his way up from assisting animators to creating and directing a Katy Perry music video, and his plans to move more towards directing. Plus, go behind the scenes of Katy Perry’s Cry About it Later music video and hear the cute backstory behind one of Sykosan’s animated characters, and his alternative ending to the video clip!

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Meet the host

Meet Maxine Schnepf, host of the CG Spectrum Podcast!

MAXINE SCHNEPF: From Producing to HR, Maxine's worked on 40+ blockbuster films at studios like Mr X, Deluxe Animation and Technicolor VFX. Now as CG Spectrum's Career Development Manager, Maxine helps students get industry-ready. Her credits include: Blade Runner 2049, War for the Planet of the Apes, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Doctor Strange, Star Trek Beyond and three Star Wars films.
