

Welcome to the CG Spectrum Podcast!

Join our hosts for entertaining career-focused chats with industry experts and emerging talent doing cutting-edge work in film and games.

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Working on Marvel’s Loki with VFX Compositing Artist Brittany Piacente

Maxine chats with VFX Artist Brittany Piacente about what it’s like to work remotely as a Compositor during a pandemic, the value of good mentorship, visual effects on the Marvel series Loki, and why treating everything as a learning experience will help you to stand out in your job in the film and games industry.

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Meet the host

Meet Maxine Schnepf, host of the CG Spectrum Podcast!

MAXINE SCHNEPF: From Producing to HR, Maxine's worked on 40+ blockbuster films at studios like Mr X, Deluxe Animation and Technicolor VFX. Now as CG Spectrum's Career Development Manager, Maxine helps students get industry-ready. Her credits include: Blade Runner 2049, War for the Planet of the Apes, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Doctor Strange, Star Trek Beyond and three Star Wars films.
