
Free Concept Art Tutorials

Get started with common tools and techniques used in concept art


Learn the basics of Photoshop

Interested in becoming a concept artist for film & games?

Get started with our free concept art tutorials created CG Spectrum’s concept art mentor and department head, Brandon Reimchen!

Brandon is a video game concept artist who has worked with major clients like EA, Activision, Capcom, Gree, and Disney Interactive. 

Using the industry-standard software Photoshop, Brandon will guide you through the many features of this powerful program from basic tools, UI and menus, tabs, and how to use layers efficiently.


What You'll Learn:


Photoshop Tools

We begin with a look at the various functions of tools and options available to you in the toolbar. Understanding these tools is the first step in the process of creating your concept art assets.


UI & Menus

There are many ways to manage and manipulate your artwork in Photoshop. In this lesson, we go through each menu item and discuss the options available to you.


Using Tabs

You'll need to know how to change the properties of certain tools and functions within Photoshop. The Tabs section shows you how to operate everything from brush options to history states.


Mastering Layers

The layer system in Photoshop can increase the speed and ease of your production process. In this section, you'll learn how to use layers to make your own workflow more efficient.

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Learn concept art for film and games with an industry expert as your mentor!