
Meet Ming Zhang

Sr Software Engineer Team Lead at Serato


About Ming

About Ming

Mentor of Game Programming

With over 6 years of experience in the game industry, Ming has worked for Ubisoft, Activision, and Gameloft. He has also applied his programming skills in a wide range of areas including protein folding simulation, cryptography, computer vision, and music production.

Ming had a passion for game development since he was young and later discovered that he was also keen to share his knowledge about game development with others. He has made game development tutorials using Flash, GameMaker, Unity, and Unreal Engine. Currently, his interest lies in Godot Engine.


Ming's games

Credits include Tom Clancy's EndWar, Call of Duty Online, and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

Q&A with Ming

Which city are you currently based in?

Auckland, New Zealand

What did your pathway into the industry look like?

As a game programmer, I don’t have a degree of Computer Science or something like that. I majored in physics and my research was about how to simulate the protein folding process.

When I wondered whether it was possible to choose game programming as my future career, a thought came to me: game development is about the simulation of real life things, which is exactly what I was doing. And that thought inspired me to get into Ubisoft Shanghai.

What has been the best experience of your career so far?
I think the best part of working as a game developer is you are always surrounded by people who love games!
What’s your advice for students?

You may get frustrated from time to time in the process of game development. That’s totally normal. Just hang in there. All the hard work you put in it will pay you back some day.

Learn game development from industry pros 

What do you enjoy most about being a CG Spectrum mentor?
Helping others make games is as fun as making games myself, and both the mentor and the student can learn from this.
How do you stay creative outside of work?
I will try to learn something about how to be a game artist or a game designer. That can help you, as a game programmer, communicate more effectively with other team members, especially since that is something you don’t do in your main job. So you won’t feel any pressure, just fun.
What excites you most about the future of games?
As VR is becoming increasingly popular now, the next generation of games might bring more interesting challenges to game programming.

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